Prof. David Dodoo-Arhin Calls for Academia, Industry and Government Collaboration for Sustainable Lithium Industry

Prof. David Dodoo-Arhin, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Director of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology, has delivered his inaugural lecture on the topic: “Beyond the Limit: Engineering Sustainable Solutions for Basic Human Needs.”
The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, chaired the Inaugural Lecture, which is the second in the series of inaugural lectures for the 2023/24 academic year.
The lecturer presented an overview of sustainable energy solutions, advanced materials and plastics management.
Highlighting the significance of Lithium in the context of the surging demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and other battery-based devices and Ghana’s recent discovery of lithium deposits under the Ewoyaa Lithium Project; as well as government’s reiterated commitment to sustainability and a greener future with the National Electric Vehicle Policy, Prof. Dodoo-Arhin, proposed at least 20% of the government’s royalty, dedicated to research and development.
He argued that through collaborations between academia, industry and government, a sustainable lithium industry that contributes significantly to the nation's prosperity can be created.
Drawing on local and global efforts to curb plastic waste menace, Prof. Dodoo-Arhin showed how his project, Valorisation of Waste Plastics for Fuel Production (VALOPLASTIQUES) is leveraging on support from French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs through the Embassy of France in Ghana to recycle plastic waste, using the locally developed pyrolysis technology for producing low-cost fuels under sustainable, energy efficient and environmentally friendly conditions for households and engines.
Although VALOPLASTIQUES is currently ongoing at the Osu Alata Landing beach area in the Korle-Klottey Municipality, Prof. Dodoo-Arhin’s vision is to scale up the project to other coastal communities to deal with both land and marine plastic in a holistic and sustainable way.
Reflecting on his journey to the professorial rank, Prof. Dodoo-Arhin recountered his professional career to the unexpected path of Materials Engineering. He ceased the opportunity to express his appreciation to his mentors, teachers, colleagues, the University community and family.
In her closing remarks, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, congratulated Prof. Dodoo-Arhin on his contributions to scientific research and addressing national and global challenges. She commended him for “making engineering touch lives and change communities, the application of technology and the human element embedded in its sustainability”.
Earlier, the Acting Registrar, Mrs. Lydia Anowa Nyako-Danquah, welcomed the audience and said, “inaugural lectures form an essential component of a university’s programme for an academic year and every academic who rises to the rank of a full Professor in his or her career in the University of Ghana is expected to deliver an inaugural lecture”.
Mrs. Nyako-Danquah also stated that inaugural lectures offer the University an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the achievements of faculty as they share their research with colleagues within and outside the University.
There were a number of gift presentations made by friends, family and members of the University community to celebrate Prof. David Dodoo-Arhin’s achievements. The Ghana Dance Ensemble also graced the occasion with exciting cultural performances.
As a prelude to Prof. Dodoo-Arhin’s inaugural lecture, a week-long exhibition of his works was held at the Balme Library. The exhibition showcased his research over the years especially on sustainable engineering projects.
The lecture was attended by Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Provosts, Deans, Directors, and members of the University community.
Also present were colleagues, students, family members and friends of the Prof. David Dodoo-Arhin, church members from the Prince Emmanuel SDA Church as well as traditional leaders and their representatives from Osu Alata Traditional Council and Amanokrom. Former students from the St. Augustine’s College, Prof. Dodoo-Arhin’s alma mater, also attended the lecture.