College of Health Sciences Commemorates DSRA with Exhibition of Scholarly Works by Faculty

The College of Health Sciences commemorated the 2024 Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa with an exhibition of scholarly works on diverse topics from various Departments and Schools of the College, on Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 at the CHS Examination Hall, Korle-Bu.
The DSRA (Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa) is celebrated in accordance with the African Union resolution passed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 1987. The day is celebrated across Africa in remembrance of the continent’s great contribution to the rise and development of modern science and technology.
Prof. Yaw Afrane, Chairman of the College Research Board, in his welcome address, expressed his gratitude to the planning committee for successfully organising the DSRA (Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa).

He explained that, this year’s celebration by the College is aimed at exhibiting scholarly works of Faculty from the Schools and Departments of the College, to enable them use their research to tackle global issues, specifically in the area of science and technology and to forge collaborations with various schools and departments.
Prof. Julius Fobil, Provost of the College of Health Sciences, in his opening remarks expressed his excitement at the level of participation by members of the College. Prof. Fobil emphasised that DSRA serves as a day to celebrate research achievements in the University and an opportunity to place the college on the map of global excellence in science and technology. “DSRA has come to stay with us, as a day to highlight research achievements for the year” he added.
He commended the Dental School for its good representation and encouraged them to establish an Alumni association that will ensure strong participation of alumni in next year’s event, as well as enhance the overall student experience. To motivate schools and departments in the College of Health Sciences to carry out in-depth research on their projects in order to generate the good research outcomes for problem-solving, Prof. Fobil proposed an award programme during the DSRA (Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa) celebrations.

He urged members of the College to forge partnerships, work collectively and leverage on already existing relationships with other schools and departments to achieve a common goal of the College and the University of Ghana. “This is a forum that we can use to forge partnerships and start collaborative works to broaden our network and knowledge” he stated.
The celebration featured an exhibition and presentation of scholarly works presented by representatives from WAGMC (West African Genetic Medicine Centre), University of Ghana Dental School, School of Public Health, School of Biomedical & Allied Health Sciences and University of Ghana Medical School.

Topics presented by Faculty in the Schools and Departments included; Sickle Cell Disease Genomics of Africa (SickleGenAfrica) Network; Molecular Epidemology of Haemoglobin C among Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Nigeria; Impact of Digital Health Technology on Health Insurance Claims Rejection Rate in Ghana: A Quasi experimental study, Knowledge and Perception of Dental Students on the Use of Modern Technology in Dentistry, Pulpal Treatment (Apexification) in a Young Permanent Tooth: A Case Report ; Investigating the Effects of Zeolite and Halloysite Nanoclay on Phosphate Bonded Investment Materials and many others.