Latex Foam Donates to UG Financial Aid Office to Support Students in Need

Management of Latex Foam Rubber Products Ltd. has honored its long-standing annual tradition of donating funds to the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) to cater for the fees of brilliant but needy students.
At a brief presentation, P.R.O of the Company, Ms. Gifty Appiah, handing over a cheque of GHS20,000 to the University, explained that for the past 15 years, the company has always deemed it right to give back to the University, which underscores its commitment to education.

She further added that ‘we are here to do the honorable thing we have always done. We are here with our token to see our students get catered for. The benefits far outweigh what we can imagine.’
Ms. Appiah additionally disclosed that the company has been involved in the renovation of the SRC Building. ‘Up until this year, we have been able to undertake some maintenance work on the fascia boards, noticeboard and done a few fittings and fixtures. We also handled the furnishing of the library. Our founder is an alumnus, so we are very much committed to the University’. She noted.
Prof. Gordon Awandare, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, receiving the cheque on behalf of the SFAO thanked Latex Foam for the kind gesture.

He acknowledged the efforts of the Student Financial Aid Office has been making to mobilise funds to support students who are needy, and noted that through the partnership with Latex Foam, students will continue to access the best education available in the country.

Head of SFAO, Ms. Selina Torrison Saaka, expressed gratitude to Latex Foam and welcomed additional support from the company for brilliant needy students. She used the opportunity to invite the Company to join the 20th anniversary celebrations of SFAO next year.