VC Inaugurates 13-Member Equal Opportunities Board

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, has inaugurated a 13-member Equal Opportunities Board, which will be chaired by Professor Audrey Gadzekpo from the Department of Communication Studies, UG.
The Board is set to be the implementer of the provisions in the UG Gender Policy which was launched last year.
Professor Amfo stressed the importance of gender equality and inclusion at all levels. She explained that one of the requirements of the Gender Policy is for the University to establish the Board, emphasising that it demonstrates the University's unwavering commitment to fostering an environment in which everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to strive and contribute to the University's development.

The Vice-Chancellor added that UG has been a champion of social advancement and academic excellence. She outlined the responsibilities of the members of the Equal Opportunities Board, which include promoting gender equity, enhancing equal opportunity, raising awareness, conducting research, hosting workshops, supporting advocacy and monitoring and evaluating the various strategies that will be adopted.
In her acceptance speech, Professor Gadzekpo expressed the Board’s commitment to ensuring that gender equality in the University will be achieved.
Expressing her views on Gender Equality and Inclusivity as an invited guest, Professor Akosua Darkwah, Dean of the School of Information and Communication Studies, mentioned that the Policy is progressive and takes into consideration all gender-related issues.
She also mentioned that the performance of the inaugural board will set the standard for its future direction.

Touching on sexual harassment, Professor Darkwah stressed the need for the Board to pay keen attention to student concerns in this area and discussed how such complaints can be monitored and investigated.
She called for a supportive environment where everyone feels motivated to contribute their best at work.
Speaking exclusively to UG's Public Affairs Directorate Media Desk, Board Chair Professor Audrey Gadzekpo emphasised that their mandate will be to look out for both men and women, in order to maintain gender balance.

She pointed out that there will be a substantial focus on education, highlighting the necessity of garnering support from the larger university community.
The members of the board are Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, Chairperson; Dr. Deborah Atobrah, Head of the Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA); Mrs. Beatrice S.D. Clottey, Senior Assistant Registrar at the Office of the Registrar; Mr. Augustine Kidisil, Lecturer, School of Law; Mrs. Ama Twumasiwaa Hinnah, Office of Legal Counsel; Dr. Sarah Dorgbadzi, UTAG representative; Mr. Albert A. Essuman, GAUA representative; Ms. Jennifer Banahene, TEWU Representative; Gloria Anaman, SSA-UoG representative; Ms. Flora Munaku Kambile, GRASAG representative and Nyamgmar Silas Neequaye,SRC representative.
The rest are Dr. Anthony Aubynn, a Business Executive and Mrs. Dinah Adiko, a Gender and Inclusion Consultant, both non-UG members of the Board.

In March 2023, the University of Ghana launched a gender policy aimed at providing a framework for achieving a gender-equitable environment that engages both males and females in all critical spheres of decision-making.
The overarching aim of the policy is to mainstream gender in all University policies and procedures.
The policy highlights areas including Policy Principles, Implementation and Compliance Institutions, Individual/Group Complaints Mechanisms, Monitoring and Evaluation and Grievance Procedures, among others.