Social Work

Social Work is an interdisciplinary field that draws on principles of human development, social theory and social systems to analyse complex situations and to facilitate individual, organisational, social and cultural changes. Essentially, it seeks to improve upon the quality of life by helping individuals solve or cope with challenges in their daily lives and by diagnosing and treating mental, behavioural and emotional issues. Due to the complexity of society and ever changing social and economic conditions, Social Work has a wide scope and applies concepts and principles from other disciplines including sociology, education, economics, medicine, philosophy, anthropology and psychology. Approaches and methods used in Social Work vary but Social Workers tend to examine issues within specified contexts upon which they employ research, direct practice, advocacy, policy, teaching and/ or mobilisation to address identified challenges. Despite the variation of issues treated in Social Work, principal research areas include Human Rights, Social Justice, Social Policy, Public Administration and Human Development. These areas often provide a broader logical framework for Social Workers to advocate or facilitate change on issues, needs and policies that affect individuals, families and organisations.

School of Social Sciences