B.A. Philosophy & Classics

Philosophy is love of wisdom. It enables us to develop a reflective and critical attitude to life by shaping our world-view and our relations with others and by furnishing us with adequate reasons in support of opinions, judgements and decisions. Philosophy is also an interdisciplinary method which enables us to produce knowledge and truth in all fields of study by critically examining the meaning and clarity of concepts, the probative value of evidence or information, the logical adequacy of assumptions, inferences and the methods of investigation. Classics studies the historical and cultural foundations of the institutions, principles, and values of contemporary civilisations through studies in the language, literature, philosophy, governance, arts and architecture of GraecoRoman antiquity. Classics employs interdisciplinary methods for producing knowledge and truth in the various sub-fields of study and for developing historically and critically informed perspective on issues of human and contemporary experience.

School of Arts