BSc Physics

Physics is a physical science that studies matter and the energy fundamentals and forces that govern interactions between particles. The subject embraces the study of a wide range of phenomena from the very small to the very large from quarks to galactic structures along with everything in-between. Physics is considered as the fundamentals science because all other natural sciences apply the principles and laws established by it. It has several focal areas including applied physics, biophysics, computational physics, geophysics, high- energy physics, mathematical physics ,material science, nuclear physics plasma physics and physics education. Physicist work in a rather wide range of field, some physicists do basic research to increase knowledge while others focus on applied research by applying theories to practical problems. Applied research in physics is responsible for the creations of new technologies, products and processes. Physicists also apply their analytical skills to solve problems in engineering, medicine, economics, finance, law and government.

School of Physical and Math. Sci.