BSc Marine Science

Study of the marine environment and its interactions with the earth, the biosphere, and the atmosphere. It involves a study of the motion and circulation of ocean waters; the physical and chemical properties of the oceans; and how these properties affect coastal areas, climate, and weather. Marine Science is an interdisciplinary science and integrates the basic principles of biology, chemistry, geology, physics, geophysics, mathematics, Plant and Environmental Biology, zoology, meteorology, and geography. In many aspects, the ocean impact on human life (food source, water reservoir, storms & hurricanes) and it is in turn impacted by human activities (resource exploitation & pollution). Despite scientific progress, knowledge and understanding of the ocean is very limited. For instance, most of the remaining undiscovered natural pharmaceuticals are in the ocean. Marine Science is therefore driven by the need to address practical problems and advance scientific knowledge. To achieve this two-fold objective, the four major areas of Marine Science (Biological Marine Science, Chemical Marine Science, Marine Geology/ Geophysics and Physical Marine Science) are combined with modern instrumentation for in-depth study.

School of Biological Sciences