
BSc Education Mathematics

Promoting effective Mathematics teaching and learning in Ghana has become an issue of immense concern. This has been necessitated by Ghanaian students’ poor performance at the national and international levels. Producing teachers and education practitioners who understand what it takes to improve quality education and manage its delivery effectively is often lacking. The courses in this programme are designed to equip those who wish to begin a career in teaching Mathematics at the senior high level with skills to maximise student learning outcomes.

B.A. Education English

Promoting effective English teaching and learning in Ghana has become an issue of immense concern. This has been necessitated by Ghanaian students’ poor performance at the national and international levels. Producing teachers and education practitioners who understand what it takes to improve quality education and manage its delivery effectively is often lacking. The courses in this programme are designed to equip those who wish to begin a career in teaching English at the senior high level with skills to maximise student learning outcomes.

B.A. Education Non-Teaching

Promoting effective education practitioners especially in Ghana has become an issue of immense concern. Producing education practitioners who understand what it takes to improve quality education is often lacking. This programme will place a high premium on developing education practitioners’ capacity to diagnose and solve problems in education. This non-teaching programme is designed for students who envisage a career in educational contexts outside the classroom.

Bachelor of Public Health (BHP)

Public Health is the science that focuses on health promotion and disease and injury prevention through research, community intervention and education. Public Health integrates knowledge and practice from a range of fields including public health nutrition, epidemiology, oral health, family health, behavioural science and health.

BSc Medical Sciences

The Biomedical Programme involves the integrated study of the gross, microscopic, and molecular structure and function of the human body, disease causing pathogens of the human body and the body’s defence against these pathogens and the reaction to tissue injury. The Biomedical Programme provides the solid foundation for the study of clinical medicine and dentistry. Backed by hand-on practical, the programme equips students to acquire knowledge in the science behind clinical examination of patients, diagnosis, and interpretation of laboratory results and management of patients.

BSc Diagnostic Radiography

Diagnostic radiography is the medical science concerned with using various forms of radiation to produce highquality clinical images, which aid in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of injury and disease. Diagnostic radiography is a technology dependent discipline but draws on the basic sciences with medical, biological and physiological sciences alongside application of practical training in a clinical setting. A wide range of sophisticated technological equipment for different imaging modalities are used in diagnostic radiography.

BSc Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy (PT), also known as Physical therapy , is one of the allied health professions that, by using mechanical force and movements (bio-mechanics or kinesiology), manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and function. Physiotherapy is used to improve a patient’s quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, physical intervention, and patient education. It is performed by physiotherapists (known as physical therapists).

BSc Therapy Radiography

Therapy radiography is a specialised discipline that uses using ionising radiation (mostly high-energy X-rays) to treat patients with cancer. Practitioners who treat patients seeking such care are known as radiotherapists, therapeutic or therapy radiographers. Therapy Radiographers, also known as Radiation Therapists or Radiotherapists are health care professionals skilled in the art and science of medical radiation treatment delivery.

BSc Dietetics

Dietetics is concerned with interpretation and communication of the science of nutrition to enable people make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle, in both health and disease. The study of Dietetics is deeply rooted in the physiological, biochemical and behavioural sciences as well as social, environmental, cultural and psychological factors affecting food accessibility and dietary intake. Aside addressing nutritional needs of patients, dietitians prevent and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits and recommending dietary modifications.

BSc Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is concerned with promoting health and well being through engagement in occupation. It draws from the fields of medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and many other disciplines in developing its body of knowledge. In Occupational Therapy, “occupation” is viewed broadly to include everything people do to “occupy” themselves, caring for self and others.