
B.A. Political Science

Throughout human existence, the subject of power, politics and government has been very contentious as it often has a bearing on the quality of life and people’s hopes and aspirations. Fundamentally, then, Political Science examines the origin, development and operation of political systems using historical, comparative, interpretative, critical, quantitative and qualitative methods. While it studies and analyses current political issues, Political Science dates back to the ancient world, having been shaped by the works of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes and Locke among others.

B.A Economics

Economics is the scientific study, description and analysis of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. It is deeply rooted in what is termed as the “economic problem” that is; the problem of how to make the best use of limited or scarce resources. This problem exists because, whereas people’s needs and wants are endless, the resources available to satisfy them are limited. For this reason, Economics is often referred to as the “science of scarcity”.

B.A. Geography & Resource Development

Geography and Resource Development (GRD) involves a holistic study of the interrelationships among the earth’s biophysical systems and how these systems provide natural resource base for human communities. Bridging the social with natural sciences, it analyses the relationship between human activities and the natural & built environment; their existing impacts and implications for sustainable resource use.

B.A Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour. Sociologists investigate societies, the structure of groups, organizations, and social institutions and processes, and how people interact within these contexts It provides various empirical tools and analysis of how and why society functions, the impact of social institutions on individuals/ groups, and the challenges of social interaction among individuals and within the larger social, political, religious and economic context in society.

B.A. Psychology

Psychology is dedicated to the scientific study of human behaviour and the mind from social, biological and developmental perspectives. The field of Psychology applies concepts, theories and strategies from Social Science, Natural Science and Humanities to explain human behaviour such as thought, feelings, emotions and actions. In order to understand and explain human behaviour and mental processes, specialists in Psychology use techniques such as observation, interpretation and recording of how humans relate with other living organisms in their environment.

Social Work

Social Work is an interdisciplinary field that draws on principles of human development, social theory and social systems to analyse complex situations and to facilitate individual, organisational, social and cultural changes. Essentially, it seeks to improve upon the quality of life by helping individuals solve or cope with challenges in their daily lives and by diagnosing and treating mental, behavioural and emotional issues.

BSc Business Administration

This programme prepares students to occupy middle-level managerial and entrepreneurial roles in both the private and public sectors. The programme exposes students to all the courses required to train an accountant as required by the International Accounting Education Standard Board (IAESB). Students are trained to prepare financial statements in compliance to the reporting framework, compute and provide tax advice, conducts audit, cost and provide management reports as well as use design and use accounting software.