
BSc Engineering Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering deals with the process of analysing and designing all hardware, software and operating systems for computer systems. Computer Engineering fuses the disciplines of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering for a more integrative study and application. However the terms Computer Engineering and Computer Science differ in certain aspects. In simplest terms, whereas Computer Science focuses on the software aspect of computers, Computer Engineering looks at the design and build of computer hardware.

BSc Engineering Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering involves the application of concepts, knowledge, and approaches of virtually all engineering disciplines (examples: Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Materials and Computer Engineering) to solve specific healthcare- related problems. The multidisciplinary nature of this field makes specialisation at the undergraduate level impractical. The core curriculum is, therefore, designed to introduce students to all aspects of Biomedical Engineering.

B.Sc Engineering Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering is a multidisciplinary science involving the application of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural, food and biological systems for the benefit of the human society. Also referred to as “bioengineering” and “resource systems engineering”; Agricultural Engineering includes specialisation in power systems and machinery design; structures and environment and food and bioprocess engineering. It also emphasise soil and water conservation as well as innovative ways of processing agricultural products.

B.A. Archaeology

Archaeology is the art and science of studying the ancient and recent human past through material remains. Archaeology is central to examining, recovering and preserving evidence and artefacts from past human cultures across space and time. It remains a highly interdisciplinary field; intersecting with the humanities, social, biological and physical sciences. While survey, excavation and analysis of finds remain a basic part of archaeological work, the essence of Archaeology is to broaden and deepen understanding of human cultures.

B.A. Religion

If there is anything that is divisive, explosive and sometimes deadly, it is religion. Yet the same religion is the harbinger for peace and tranquillity. People kill and maim en masse in the name of religion and so are people comforted and even galvanized to fight injustice using religion and morality. This programme is designed to help you appreciate why religion is so deadly and yet so crucial for the survival of mankind.

B.A. Philosophy & Classics

Philosophy is love of wisdom. It enables us to develop a reflective and critical attitude to life by shaping our world-view and our relations with others and by furnishing us with adequate reasons in support of opinions, judgements and decisions. Philosophy is also an interdisciplinary method which enables us to produce knowledge and truth in all fields of study by critically examining the meaning and clarity of concepts, the probative value of evidence or information, the logical adequacy of assumptions, inferences and the methods of investigation.

B.A. History

History is the field of knowledge that deals with the investigation, analysis, interpretation and presentation of the past by studying a variety of historical documents and sources. It provides interpretive tools for the discovery, collection, organisation and presentation of information about past and present events. History offers many distinctive perspectives on key facts, ideas and values that have shaped civilisations as well as the evolution of today’s complex and rapidly evolving technological society.

B.A. Translation & Interpretation

The world is replete with thousands of languages. No human can claim to be proficient in all. What it means is that, opportunities exist for those who are able to speak and write more than one international language. This programme involves the training of prospective students to be proficient in the transfer of one written message from one language to another. The messages which are normally translated or interpreted includes treaties, press releases, laws, hand written letters etc. The emphasis here is English, French and Arabic.

B.A. Linguistics

Learning a language at birth comes naturally but scientifically understanding the structure of that language and why it is similar to or different from another is learnt consciously. UG’s Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics gives insight into one of the most intriguing aspects of human knowledge. It provides a scientific perspective of languages and how one language differs from another and from one society to another.