Baker Hughes Scholarship Awards 15 New Beneficiaries

Awardees and SFAO Staff in a group photograph

The Baker Hughes Scholarship, formerly General Electric (GE) Scholarship, has awarded fifteen (15) new beneficiaries with a comprehensive scholarship. These awards were presented in a short ceremony held at the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) Conference Room.

Baker Hughes Energy Technology Ghana Limited is a multi-national company that provides services in the Power Generation, Oil & Gas, and Healthcare sectors. The GE, now Baker Hughes Scholarship has been one of the benevolent sponsors of the SFAO since 2015. They renewed their contract and reviewed their MOU with the University in December 2022.

Some beneficiaries receiving their scholarship letters

To this end, Baker Hughes has committed Sixty Thousand US Dollars (USD 60, 000) which covers prize awards, administrative cost and scholarship to support the 15 new beneficiaries who are reading Computer Science and Applied Science courses for the next four academic years.

The Head of the Students Financial Aid Office, Selina Torrison Saaka (Ms), advised the beneficiaries to focus exclusively on their studies as they are expected to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0. She assured them that the SFAO would provide every support they need for a successful completion.

SFAO Head, Ms. Selina Torrison Saaka interacting with the new Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries showed appreciation to the SFAO for ensuring that financial limitation is not a barrier to equal access to quality education in the University of Ghana.